Thursday, July 22, 2010


So I am pretty much stinking it up as a blogger. I am going to try again. We are, yet again, in another time of transition for our family. We just moved back to the States after living in east Asia for a year. I cannot wait to write more about that, but honestly, I am still processing the whole year. Right now, we are just excited to be near family and friends. More to come really soon:)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta HUG!

Finals next week...that sounds so weird to me. I haven't taken a final in about a decade. I am so very close to completing my first semester of language school! I have to admit, I was terrified of going to school here, but here we are and no casualties to speak of. I feel a sense of accomplishment even though I have SO MUCH MORE to learn. This language is intense. My speaking skills are progressing, but reading and writing are pretty dern complicated. I really enjoy all three of my teachers, and am curious to see if I have any of them again next semester. We get a break from school from mid January until March...WOO HOO! We are SO excited to have Chad's parents coming for a visit at the end of January. I can't wait to hug their necks. Being so far away from family has made me so much more appreciative of them. Like I said, I CAN'T WAIT. I wasn't really a hugger back in the States, but that has changed. I am going to be so annoying with all the hugging when we return this summer. Friends get ready to be squeezed! ...."Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug!"....anybody know that movie line???

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hello 2010!

Holy moly, I cannot believe it is 2010! 2009 was a wild and crazy ride for our family, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't ready for a new year. I love reflecting and evaluating and re-evaluating how the previous year went. I also dream of how different things will be this year. You know, I will be MORE organized, and plan ahead better and eat healthier and read more and exercise some. I like the challenge of trying to find a way to do it all, but I am not a perfectionist...big surprise, I I don't really stress if I can't do it all. So excited to see how Pebbles and Bam Bam grow and change this year. I am excited to hear Bam Bam talking. He is so very close. I think hearing two languages all day everyday has delayed him slightly. That's my professional opinion based on like no experience. Pebbles is getting better at both languages, and will probably be tutoring me soon. I cannot believe she will be 4 this year....wowzers! I hope 2010 is ready for us! I hope your's is filled with adventure, fun, growth, and love.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


We have proof! We have been approved to be Short Term "Helpers" in East Asia. So cool, it seems like we have been on this road for such a long time. Well, 2005 is quite a while ago, but we feel so blessed that we have not given up the dream yet. Trust me, I have considered it a time or two, but we know, without a doubt, that we are supposed to be serving in East Asia. We really treasure the time we have been able to spend at Hallmark. We have learned so much from so many people here. Working with this staff and especially Pastor has been priceless. We felt so honored for him to introduce us to the Fellowship. It was one of those times in my life where I wanted to take a snapshot in my mind, so I will never forget it. I felt encouraged by the Lord to keep going. He will get us there when the time is right, His time. Celebrate with us!

Fell off the Wagon

So... obviously I have completely fallen off ye olde bloggin' wagon! I have so much to write about, so much has happened for us this spring. I will catch up soon....I think I can, I think I can. I will be back with much info and pics!

Thursday, April 2, 2009